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About Me

Hi, my name is Anja.

If you had asked a younger me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I would have given you a different answer every week. By the time I got my high school diploma and had to choose further education, I still had no idea. So I chose broad -Leisure management- and then I rolled into IT.

I started at the service desk and then took on all kinds of different roles. These were mainly aimed at translating technical jargon into understandable language and at training people and familiarizing them with various IT tools. This was called 'adoption'.

However, after 15 years in various positions, I had my soul under my arms. I was no longer enjoying myself and was actually fed up with the IT world. I was under a lot of stress and was totally unhappy.

In the meantime, I got married and together we had 2 fantastic children with the 3rd one on the way.

During the last pregnancy, I went soul searching. I kept wondering, "Is this it?" Why don't I get satisfaction from my days? Why don't I know what I want? What's my passion, my purpose? How do I find real happiness?

This resulted in a 180-degrees turnaround. I stopped in IT and I embarked on a new adventure and started my new life as a life coach.

Then I found out that in addition to being a life coach, I'd also became an entrepreneur. I quickly found out that I really enjoyed being an online entrepreneur. Besides coaching people 1-on-1, I was trying all kinds of tools. I regularly switched website platforms or other automation tools. Thanks to my IT and perhaps somewhat 'nerdy' background, I quickly mastered various tools.

I also loved creating online programs, recordings, and shooting videos. That way I could also sell it and use it in addition to my 1-on-1 coaching to support it. (Partly due to newly learned time management skills, I was able to eliminate my procrastination and created 5 different online programs in a short time)

I also studied online marketing, such as funnels, Facebook ads, webinars, and copywriting. I admit I'm not really an in-depth expert on all these things. (People specialize in it for a reason) But I have taken up a lot of broad knowledge in previous years.

Because I built up this knowledge and skills in a short time, I got asked by other coaches more frequently how I got my company to be so successful in such a short time? And if I could help them too.

At first, it often was just giving advice and creating some websites for other coaches. But this became more frequent and started taking more of my time. I also noticed that I actually secretly liked it even more than life coaching.

I used to joke to my husband... You can get the girl out of the IT, but not the IT out of the girl.

So after much going back and forth, I decided to turn back 90 degrees and focus on helping coaches find their way in technology and everything that goes into setting up, growing, and achieving success with your coaching business online.

I am so happy to be able to help others get unstuck and remove the frustration when they don't know which tools to use and how to use certain tools properly.

I often see coaches investing in everything. Only to find out that they can't use it or that it's too complicated. They feel overwhelmed, tired, and ready to throw in the towel, just a few inches from the 'gold'.

Too often coaches give up on getting online customers because they think they are not good enough as a coach or as an entrepreneur. But the truth is that with the right tools, online success is not only possible but also a lot of fun!

My experience in IT and my experience as a coach make me the expert to help coaches with technology as well as to articulate and convey their message.

Do you want to know how I can help you? Then request a free and no-obligation introductory call. Then we can see if and what I can do for you.

Love and happiness!

20 years of experience

15 years in IT, 4 years life coaching en 2 years successful online entrepreneur.

20+ Tools

I have gained experience in more than 20 different tools that you can use as an entrepreneur. So I know what works and what doesn't.

5 successful online programs

in 1.5 years I created 5 online programs, which I also sold, on different platforms.

Certificates and Diplomas

Start Your Coaching Business

Direct-Response Copywriting

Online Marketing


Inbound Marketing




Life Optimization Coach

Life &



Strategic Intervention Coach

The M Word


Law Of Attraction Coach

The only 3 digital tools you need

to easily start, grow &
become profitable online.

Download my free e-book now and get

clarity, momentum mindset, and success

I hate SPAM

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